Derailed: Five Lessons Learned From Catastrophic Failures of Leadership


There must be a million books out there on leadership. And whether we’re aspiring leaders or analytical followers, leadership is something that we all have an opinion on. As a result, books about the great leadership successes draw us like magnets. But Tim Irwin, Ph.D., looks at the discussion of leadership from the opposite perspective—leadership failures. That’s what makes … [Read more...]

Crisis Leadership from Former Fortune 500 CEO Bill George

Bill George 7 Lessons for Leading in Crisis

While pundits and experts are churning out a plethora of books analyzing the causes of the 2008 economic crisis, it’s refreshing to find a practical book that provides some good thinking on how to manage for success in cri sis situations. In his new book, “7 Lessons for Leading in Crisis,” Harvard Business School Professor and former Medtronic CEO and Chairman Bill George, … [Read more...]